Get To Know Adina Edelman

Book Editor | Mining Your Message for Gold ⛏️

Open to virtual coffee chats (no pitch)

Available for hire

Her Zone Of Genius:

Mining a writer's message—digging the gold out of their story, not just the grammar gremlins.

Her Mission:

To help writers make their books the best they can be.

We asked for title of her autobiography. She replied:

I wouldn't write one. :D

We asked, “What aspect of your personality adds the most value to the world?” Her reply:


Current Offer:

I offer 30-minute Brainstorm Sessions to writers of both fiction and nonfiction. This is great if you're stuck on an idea, struggling to start a writing project, or need help working out your plot.

A Favorite Testimonial:

Adina Edelman holds true to her motto of "Mining Your Message." I recommend her services highly. Not only does she do an excellent job of catching all the technical and grammatical issues in your prose, but she also has an astute eye for effective storytelling both through narrative and structure. Adina helped me find everything from comma splices to flat dialogue and character inconsistency. After just two rounds of line editing with EdelmanEdits, I feel far more confident in my story than I ever imagined I could.

Hidden Talent:

I can whistle really well.

Her favorite quote:

“You write to communicate to the hearts and minds of others what’s burning inside you. And we edit to let the fire show through the smoke.”―Arthur Plotnik

She Collects:

Fortunes from fortune cookies. I have a small container full of 'em.

Her most-used emoji:

Your best life gets better here. ♡

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