Get To Know Carla Green

Book Designer / Your Book's Best Friend

Open to virtual coffee chats (no pitch)

Available for hire

Her Zone Of Genius:

Book design, production, and publishing services for business leaders and entrepreneurs who are writing a book and want an experienced, collaborative partner to guide and support them through the process.

Her Mission:

To enable independent authors to publish bookstore-quality books with clarity and confidence.

We asked, “What aspect of your personality adds the most value to the world?” Her reply:

Being patient and conscientious

We asked for title of her autobiography. She replied:

If This Is Thursday, It Must Be Meatloaf

Current Offer:

I offer 30-minute Clarity Calls to explore the author's purpose in writing a book and identify the publishing path(s) that best align with that purpose. This call is an ideal way to understand what happens after the writing is done and is helpful for authors at any stage, whether they are just getting starting, have a finished manuscript or are somewhere in between.

A Favorite Testimonial:

"I cannot say enough about how wonderful Carla is to work with. In addition to having the highest level of professionalism and extraordinary work ethic, she is also very patient and supportive. Book writing can be a lonely endeavor, but Carla makes you feel like you are on a team. I have said, and mean it sincerely, I want to write another book just to work with Carla and Clarity Designworks again. If this were a five-star rating, I’d give her ten!"

She Collects:

I used to collect postcards. Now I collect adventures and sunrises.

Hidden Talents:

Pretty amazing memory. You probably don't want to play one of those memory matching games with me.

Her favorite quote:

“Pay attention to the cracks, because that's where the light gets in” —Leonard Cohen

Her most-used emoji:

Your best life gets better here. ♡

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