Looking for extra accountability + 24/7 coworking so you take action to meet your goals?

Step into the VIP Zone, where you can experience the height of personal and professional development. Our empowered community ensures you can set and achieve your goals without limits, unlocking your full potential and connecting with like-minded individuals.

Join Sondra Ray, our expert Goal & Accountability Coach, for additional coaching and accountability calls each week!

VIP Zone members gain access to our 24/7 coworking space to take consistent action and get things done! You will enjoy a productivity boost and improve your focus while benefitting from opportunities to network and collaborate with fellow high achievers.

Additionally, our expert-hosted coworking sessions and workshops are designed to equip you with new skills, strategies, and insights from the best in the industry.

Our weekly goal-setting sessions provide unwavering support and motivation to celebrate your wins and progress toward your objectives consistently.

But that's not all. As a VIP Zone member, you gain access to three small group accountability calls every week!

We designed our small group accountability sessions to provide you with the following:

  • Increased accountability: The regular check-ins provide structured support that can help you stay committed to your goals and keep you on track.

  • Feedback and support: During the calls, you'll have the opportunity to share your progress and challenges with your group members, who can provide feedback, support, and guidance.

  • Brainstorming: The calls can also serve as a platform for brainstorming new ideas and strategies as you collaborate with like-minded individuals with various perspectives.

  • Motivation: The group dynamic can be powerful as you encourage and inspire each other to stay focused and committed to your goals.

  • Accountability beyond yourself: Sometimes, it's easier to let ourselves down than to let down a group of people we respect and admire. Being accountable to a group can help you push past procrastination, excuses, and other obstacles that may have hindered your progress in the past.

Unlock your full potential and experience the true power of the VIP Zone.

Your best life gets better here.

Copyright 2024 | The Zone Community, Organwise, LLC

Your best life gets better here.

Copyright 2024 | The Zone Community, Organwise, LLC